Olly is a young male lurcher terrier cross. His time was up in a Spanish pound and we were asked to help this wonderful dog. He is very affectionate, a bit shy and submissive. He manages to be scruffy and elegant at the same time, with a unique face and horse dressage walk.
Currently in foster, he has never known a proper home, but you wouldn’t think it – his personality is rapidly comes through. He loves physical play, a good old tug of war and a rub. He needs to gain confidence which his owner needs to help develop, maybe he would enjoy living with a chilled dog that would teach him the ropes.
He loves being by your side, and is very calm for his young age (under two).
At 13 kilos, he is quite tall 57cm to the shoulder, about the same size as an Irish terrier.
Someone out there is a dapper owner looking for this daper dog in their life.
He is neutered, has all his jabs and passport. Currently in Bournemouth foster.
No cats or small furries. Children: 10+
Please download & complete the application form for Olly here TerrierSOSQuestionnaire2017