Terrier SOS Dog Bandanas

Proudly show you support Terrier SOS by donning your furry loved one in one of our red or blue bandanas.

They are one size fits all and have detachable extending collars.
The prices are:
UK £7.50, Europe £9.50, outside of Europe £10.50 including postage. (Additional bandanas are £7 each inc. postage)

Our PayPal address is


Please write you name and address in the PayPal message box. Thank you for helping us make a real difference.

Elvis and Dora – welsh terrier and airedale looking for a home

Please meet Elvis and Dora.

Elvis welsh terrier is 12 years old. He’s still very young at heart, bounces around when it feed time, loves nothing more than cuddling up with you of an evening. Elvis loves meeting people, but can be a little grumpy around other dogs. From a youngster he’s had colitis, so his food is strictly hypoallergenic and with this he has no problems at all. He loves chicken and anything else that he’s “allowed” to have. Elvis lives with Dora – the 9 year old airedale, and they are a bonded pair and we are looking to rehome them together.

Elvis likes to sleep a lot now and are happy spending lazy days in the sun and rainy days listening to the rain in their beds. He lives wonderfully well with Dora and they really are happy in each other’s company. Dora has all the wonderful traits of the breed. She is friendly, loves people and sharing their lives with them. She loves her walks and being your companion on car trips.

Their owner has had a drastic change of circumstances – and sadly they find themselves in need of a new home late in life. They are both healthy dogs, just need a compassionate and caring retirement home.

Children: 10+ – no cats or small furries. They are in foster in Wales.

Download an application form TerrierSOSQuestionnaireMay2015

Help a Traumatised Dog become a Pet: Foster with Terrier SOS

WE NEED YOU. We recently have taken in several dogs that require a very SPECIAL foster home, one that will be calm, compassionate and help the dog learn to trust again.

We are looking for foster homes in the South East – that will work with us to help some very hurt dogs become whole again.

We will have support in place and also have the family work with a Trainer – but these must be homes that understand that the dog will need extra TLC and understanding. Get in touch if you think you may be able to help. You can read more about the foster role and download the application form here.


Photo: Have your world turned upside down, be rescued by a foster dog. Here Sally with her foster dog Archie.

Buy Paul Brett’s ‘Terry the Lakeland’ Prints and Support TerrierSOS

Paul Brett is a mountaineer and photographer, fundraising for TerrierSOS by selling stunning prints of co-mountaineer Terry, his Lakeland Terrier. Proceeds from the sale of his prints will go to our work fostering and rehoming terriers just like handsome Terry.


Paul is the winner of the Trail Magazine Mountain Photo of the Year 2015.  We are really delighted that he and Terry are supporting TerrierSOS and hope all terrier lovers will purchase one (or more!) of his prints, priced at just £4 +P&P each.  Contact Paul to make your order.

You can follow Paul and Terry’s magnificent mountain adventures via Paul’s Twitter @properadventure


One Year On: Zorro Airedale Terrier

Zorro’s human, Deb writes… “I saw a Terrier SOS image of an Airedale Terrier needing a home. He looked so much like my Airedale girl Jansie who had sadly died 3 years ago that the whole family agreed that Azzaro looked like our kind of Airedale, so we applied for him.

We renamed him Zorro as it was easier to say and we are still learning about his funny ways each day. He hadn’t been mistreated and had obviously been loved and given some training in the past. He was obsessed with food though and we think he had some hungry times in his former life. We are hoping for a few more years with him as he has lots of energy and loves to play. He is just one of the gang now, it feels like he has always been here.

We are so delighted to have an Airedale back in our lives and feel very privileged to have been entrusted with Zorro. We all adore him, so thanks Terrier SOS!”

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