Hello my name is Muffin and I am a Terrier X, but definitely not a cross Terrier!
I used to live in Valencia Spain. I was in a perrera, it wasn’t the nicest place to be.

Every day I hoped that someone would see me and come and take me away. Then the day came along when Terrier SOS did and they took me into their care.
I had to stay in kennels while my passport and paperwork was being sorted and I had to have all my vaccinations. Finally the day came for me to start my adventures.
I was collected on 25th April and my travels to the UK started. I had the best place on the transport vehicle. I was right at the front behind the driver. It was awesome. I could see where we were going. When we reached Calais in France we went through passport control and I proudly showed my passport to the men at border control. Once all the official stuff was sorted we had to drive onto a train and we came through a very long tunnel under the English Channel.
I had quite a few fellow travellers on the van with me. Mostly canine companions and one by one they reached their new homes. I was one of the last passengers to be dropped off and it was late at night and very dark. But it didn’t bother me at all. I bounced out of the van and
went to greet my reception committee.
I spent my first few days settling in. Then I found out what the word paparazzi meant!

Don’t get me wrong I am happy to pose for the odd photo but keeping still is not my strong point!
I also felt the photographer didn’t really capture my best side…Look this way Muffin, now this way….. Oh dear it was so time consuming.

All the posing was hard work!
I have to say I am a clever boy. I can change from a Terrier into a Meerkat in a split second.
I like to do this a lot especially when there is something very interesting to see.
I have learnt that by putting my bottom neatly on the ground tasty treats are my reward.
I am very quick and go into supersonic learning speed when yummy liver treats are around.

Then one day I had a bit of a shock. Spa Day kept coming up in conversations… What on earth was a Spa Day? I soon found out!
Yes! That is really me! I had a bath, all my furs were clipped away and I had to pose for the camera AGAIN.
Then someone said all the little brown spots on my back were my naughty spots! I am NOT naughty.
Those spots are my happy spots.

I am a very happy boy and full of energy. It would seem that I may be very good at agility!
The nice grooming lady where I had my Spa Day said it too; something to do with 4 paws leaving the ground and nearly reaching the grooming table in one bounce.
I would really like to find my forever home. I would love to live with a family who are ready for lots of fun and walks.
They will need to continue to teach me the etiquette of living in a house and how to walk nicely on my lead. But I am a very fast learner and pick things up really quickly. Honest!
I am courteous to other dogs when I meet them on my lead and love to play.
So if you think you have a space in your home for a fun loving young boy with lots of energy please could you complete an application form TerrierSOSQuestionnaireMay2015
and send it in to Terrier SOS.
I will have my paws crossed someone will adopt me very soon.

Muffin (Meerkat)